Monday, November 26, 2007


I for some reason saw "Beowulf". Terrible decision. I told myself I wouldn't see it since it is made with "motion capture" and not animation. And since I am an animator, it's putting animators out of work, but not really, since even with mo-cap, they need animators to go in and fix things up. Making an entire movie with motion capture is very pointless to me. The purpose of animation is characterization, such as any Pixar or Dreamworks film, or using it as a stunt double for actors. Mo-cap is great in some instances, such as Golum in "Lord of the Rings" and "King Kong". But to do mo-cap just because you can is so dumb. In "Beowulf" they try to make the characters look real but you can tell they're not. Our eyes are experts in what a human face and body should move like, so we can tell when something doesn't look right. The faces and bodies are chubby and they don't move right. It's as if they only animated the eyes and mouths, and don't add all the essential subtle movements in the human face. I saw the 3D version which is kind of cool in parts but still pretty pointless, and the glasses hurt my nose. As far as story, "Beowul" is, yes, pointless. The villain keeps coming back to life and doesn't die and the story doesn't really have a resolution. I'm thouroughly offended by Robert Zemeckis and his motion capture. Animators will always be needed, get thee hence with your "hi-tech" movies and mo-cap ways. The fight Beowulf has with a dragon is entertaining, but there's no need to see this movie.
