Monday, November 5, 2007

I am ashamed...

...because, I actually paid $8.50, shame for you Californians that have to pay $15 to see a movie, to see one of the worst movies I've ever seen......"Dragon Wars" or as it is know online, "D-War". It was in theaters for probably the length of the movie, just under two hours, and I was stupid enough to see it. It's not may fault! They used words like "dragons" and, and "wars" to suck me into the theater! As some of you may know, I'm an animator and I love special fx, so the idea of a movie about a war, with dragons....seemed pretty cool........fraid not. It was made in Korea I believe and the fx are actually pretty good, but those in no way make up for the horrid, horrid story and acting. One of the stars is the guy who plays Darryl from "The Office" in the warehouse. I don't even know why I'm sharing this information with the public, so continue to laugh and check out the trailer, and then continue to laugh. And then maybe rent it or put it on your Netflix list so you can have a greater appreciation of you laughter and perhaps continue your laughter...I am shamed.


Hillary Corpuz said...

Very nice Matt- You know I have yet to see a good movie, with a dragon in it.

Cain said...

Hey there cousings.. Yes I'm still teaching of course.. that is my number one job, but I am a teacher which means I will always have a number two job. Tsunami is great! Sumo fired me after 5 years, for the dumbest reason.. oh well good ridence. How are you two? WE should plan a get together soon!