Monday, November 19, 2007


I saw Bee Movie over the weekend. Sorry Dreamworks, you're still not up to Pixar's level. Shrek 1, 2 and Over the Hedge were worthy efforts (unfortunately Shrek 4 & 5 are in the works.) Technically they're right there with Pixar, but in terms of story, where it really matters, Dreamworks is lagging. It was a fun movie, but kind of slow, and just didn't have the "heart" and story that every Pixar film has had. It's pretty funny throughout but there's only about 2 parts that made me "LOL" as the instant messengers say, but the humor is somewhat Seinfeld-esque which is enjoyable at times. The character design is a little weird for the lead character, Barry Bee Benson, voiced by Mr. Seinfeld himself. Maybe it was his tiny nose and hair, something weird about it. And the lead human character, voiced by the annoying Renee Zelweiger, is a little weird in the face, maybe the eyes are too close together, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. The animation is great and the look and design of the movie (sets, textures, rendering) is very well done. Better luck with your next one Dreamworks, Kung-Fu Panda, starring the voice talent of Jack Black. Judging from the trailer, which plays with Bee Movie, I think the panda will follow in the steps of the bee. Although the character design looks great. As for Bee Movie, I give it **1/2.

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