Monday, November 5, 2007

Movie Buzz...

Barry Bee Benson discovers the wonders of life outside the hive only to uncover that humans are stealing honey from the Bee's. In an effort to set things right, Barry sues the human race, upsetting the whole natural balance of the earth.

Amazing CGI, the colors alone make watching this extremely fun. If you enjoyed Seinfeld and appreciate his type of humor you will love this movie. It it clever and witty and the type of movie that you will glean something new from every time you see it. The attention to the visual details make up for the lack of plot. In my opinion, not as good as A Bugs Life, but still very cute and entertaining.

*** A Must See
Rated PG

1 comment:

Hillary Corpuz said...

I agree, my kids went bonkers during the trail scenes.. could have done with out that.