Monday, November 5, 2007

What up Gangsta!

Well it's good to now be part of the blogging world. My sister, Mandy and I are always chatting on instant messenger about the goodness and horridness of movies so we figured we should start a blog. Now, my sister got her masters in screenwriting and I don't enjoy writing papers so don't mock my grammatical skills. I think some blogs are really fun so hopefully this one shall entertain you....enjoy:

So I saw the movie "American Gangster", starring Denzel Washington and Russel Crowe, over the weekend with my friends Morgan, Gabe and his wife Malorie.

I think the hype of this movie kind of hurt my viewing of it. Hype tends to do that with everthing, get's your hopes up and it's never as good as you think it'll be, i.e. Star Wars prequels, Godzilla (I actually really liked the '98 remake, a guilty pleasure of mine), Jurassic Park 2 & 3, Sam Bowie, etc. In fact, I think the only thing to ever be better than the hype was Lebron James. Anyway, back to the movie. It was good, but not instant gangster film classic good. The acting is great and the story is amazing, it's a true story, but the ending, particularly Denzel's character, Frank Lucas' change of heart, is kind of, oh....Anaking Skywalker's joining the darkside-ish, but turning good. It's like, "I was the worst person in the world.....but alright....I'll be good now."

I shall give it **1/2 out of ****. Rentable.

Aaaand as far as cool new previews played with it, "The Dark Knight", sequel to Batman Begins looks really cool, can't wait. And the new Will Smith movie, "I Am Legend" looks better with each new trailer. It's looks like "Last Man on Earth" mixed with any zombie movie you can think of, kind of creepy. Check them both out online. Best places to watch new trailers by the way,, and, in their movie sections.

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