Saturday, August 20, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

A research scientist desperately works on finding a cure for his father's Alzheimer's disease.  He has developed a drug that works with a virus strain and has been testing it on chimpanzees. When the presentation of his new drug goes awry he not only finds himself at odds with his employer but harboring a baby chimp.

I always think that James Franco selects the most bizarre roles, one minute he is an Oscar nominee and the next he is on a soap opera.  Notwithstanding he always does a great job, it is just a constant surprise of what he'll show up in next.... so this was fun I guess.

I liked the scientific explanation of how the Planet of the Apes came to be as apposed to the random space expedition gone askew.  Granted 89% of this movie was all set up for the inevitable sequel.  So be prepared for a slow moving story line.

The CGI is really good albeit a tad creepy.  I don't know why but movies about animals always scare me.  I just keep waiting for them to snap and wreak havoc upon everything, so when you know that is the main plot point, it kind of puts me on edge and I spend most of the movie with my fingers in my ears.

** 1/2 Rentable

Rated PG-13 (for language and violence)

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