Sunday, August 28, 2011

Our Idiot Brother

After being released from prison, a optimistic pot dealer upsets the delicately balanced lives of his three sisters.

So this was at Sundance this year and I didn't go see it because it got kind of bad reviews, but I was pleasantly surprised.  This was not the movie I expected to see.  You know the typical Seth Rogan type comedy about pot that really needs to be seen while high to actually find it funny... no this was actually quite endearing and brazenly sentimental.

I was in fact charmed by this silly concept and tricky dynamics that made up this family.  It was real and despite the foolishness of the main character he was very believable.

Nothing to rush out and see but again delightfully entertaining.

** 1/2 Rentable

Rated R (for sexual content and language)

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