Saturday, August 20, 2011

One Day

A young aspiring writer and a wealthy playboy become friends on July 15 1988.  Their story is told as they reunite that day every year for the next twenty years.

I didn't read this book but I understand it is a very accurate adaptation.  The movie was a bit melodramatic but I found it charming in it's own way.

It is very precise in developing their friendship and how deep it is showing how each character follows his or her path in life and how those consequences, be they, positive or negative not only affect them but their relationship with each other as well as those around them.

Although I did find it to be slightly miss-cast and Anne Hathaways' accent a little muddled. It was still engaging and in a very methodical way points out that all relationships be they platonic or romantic are all about timing.

** 1/2 Rentable

Rated PG-13 (for sexual content and language)

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