Monday, August 25, 2014

The Trip to Italy

Two men travel around Italy on a road trip trying out the latest hotels and restaurants and squeezing in some historical site seeing.

Premiering at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year, this is a sequel to The Trip (2010).  It is literally a road trip with two very old friends that go around Italy trying out great food, staying in amazing hotels and seeing age-old points of interest all the while the audience is eavesdropping on their private, personal and very often ridiculous conversations.

There is really very little to this story, nevertheless, the nonsensical dialogue that we are privy to is absolutely hilarious.  It is basically their own commentary on pop culture, movies and celebrity impersonations.  While this may sound common enough; anyone that has had a running gag or inside jokes with old friends might appreciate their banter on some level.

This is a slow, deliberate dialogue expose' with pretty scenery. Probably not for everyone but I found it enjoyable.

*** Must See

Not Rated

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