Monday, August 4, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy

26 years after being abducted from earth, Peter Quill has grown up, light years away, only to become a shady outlaw. While attempting to obtain an orb, he finds himself in over his head and the target of Ronan the Accuser. With the unlikely help of four other criminals, each with their own plans for the orb in question, they attempt to keep it out of the hands of Ronan.

I had no expectations going into this. I have never even heard of Guardians of the Galaxy, it’s a comic book, right? Anyway, so I can’t tell you how surprised I was by how fun and entertaining this was. There are 80’s pop culture references peppered throughout the movie, which to anyone that grew up in the 80’s will thoroughly enjoy. The script is pretty fine-tuned and despite the fact, that like most comic book movies, the story is predictable and corny, it is still extremely amusing and engaging. The cast is also smashing. Very reminiscent of the original Star Wars ensemble.

This was a great summer movie and a reminder of the old blockbusters that I grew up with. The soundtrack is awesome too!

***1/2 MUST SEE

Rated PG-13 (for language, violence and sexually suggestive content)

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