Friday, August 1, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvel takes things to outer space with a rag-tag group of criminals, thieves and assassins that join forces to save the galaxy!

One word to describe this movie; FUN!  It feels like a blend of Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and The Fifth Element rolled into something new and original.  It's actually quite a funny movie, great back and forth banter between the characters who are all interesting and funny in their own distinct way.  It also has a surprising amount of heart to it, and of course loads of fun action.  The first hour is so completely entertaining that the second half may suffer a tiny bit because of it.  One space battle/chase may go on a hair too long, but the movie clocks in at only 2 hours, so it flies by, unlike the bloated 2 hour 45 minute movies we usually get. Don't worry if you know nothing about the comic books, you don't need to.  Yes, it ties into the other Marvel movies, but this plays as it's own independent thing...that will eventually tie in more to the Avengers.  Everything about this movie is fun, entertaining and cool.  As always, stay after the credits.

**** out of 4.  Must See.

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