Sunday, April 4, 2010

Repo Men

It is the near future and a company known simply as the Union has developed a way of creating artificial organs. People who are in need of new hearts, lungs, knee caps, livers, hips, esophagus’s, etc. go to the conglomerate and either put up the cash for the $600,000+ item or apply for credit and are charged outrageous amounts of interest, noting that if they are unable to pay, the “property” will be repossessed.

Oh my drama. This movie is so stupid. Indulge me here as I further point out the major hole of this flick. OK so Jude Law and Forest Whitaker work for the Union and run around town with remotes that they use to scan people looking for these “past due” organs that need to be repossessed. When they find them, they stun gun the person and then slice them open ala Jack the Ripper, and remove the organ. Take note that all of these organs are electronic. So, go with me on this, if technology has come far enough that we can track these organs down via remote, couldn’t they also just be turned off via remote? Thus eliminating the need to hire mass mercenaries to gruesomely slaughter the populace?

* Not-A-Chance

Rated R (for gore, violence, grisly images, language and sexuality)

1 comment:

Libby said...

Just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your reviews :) Glad it was you and not me who suffered through this one!