Sunday, April 11, 2010

Date Night

A New Jersey couple worried that their marriage is in trouble, brought down by the daily drudgery of work and child care attempt to reignite the spark by going to a hip new restaurant in Manhattan. They don’t have a reservation and hope to be able to just slip in. When their plan seems to bomb they step out of their boring lives and slyly take the reservation of “the Triplehorns.” Chaos ensues when they get more than they bargained for from their new assumed identity.

Hmmmmm. I really wanted to like this movie. I really did, but… not so much. It was corny and predictable. The characters were flat and not endearing. The running gags got overused and became annoying.

These are two hilarious character actors that are forced to spend the entire time getting laughs from weak slap stick and over the top action instead of clever dialogue or quirky character traits.

It has some funny moments but overall it was a tad disappointing.

** Rentable

Rated PG-13 (for sexual content, language, and violence)

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