Friday, April 23, 2010


This second chapter in the Disney Nature series is a look at the odd creatures that live in that large body of water that covers close to three-fourths of the earths' surface – The Ocean.

Well let’s see. It was interesting I suppose, although not nearly as entertaining as its predecessor. Unlike Earth, which followed the stories of three separate species, this episode seemed to lack that narrative storyline. Pierce Brosnans’ solemn voice-over seemed to be more like he was reading an abstract poem about the ocean while we watched random nature clips. The pacing was horrifically off as well, so much so, that I doubt small children would be engaged enough to make it through the one hour and forty three minute ode.

Nevertheless, it is visually stunning and if you are going to see it, it must be done on the big screen.

** ½ Theatres Must Be Used

Rated G (nature violence)

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