Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hot Tub Time Machine

Four friends, with dead end lives, come together in hopes of recapturing their youth. They spend a night of heavy drinking in a magical hot tub that takes them back to 1986.

Ok so this is what happens when I go to movies late at night and by myself. I lose all sense of sound judgment and end up paying money to see Hot Tub Time Machine.

How is it possible that this stuff gets made? Let’s pause for a reflective moment – yes, I did in fact see this movie. Ok so aside from the ridiculous, I am sure that someone thought a DeLorean was silly too, here we have the opportunity to recreate Back to The Future. Did they succeed?!! Only if you were interested in seeing a car wreck.

I don’t really have time to give you a thorough break down as to the many reasons that this movie doesn’t work, so I will just give you a few notes:

A) The casting is so off. I love John Cusack and admit that I saw this movie mostly because he was in it, but this group of people is the most hodgepodge, unbelievable, unlikable, uncharismatic bunch of actors that one could assemble short of involving Pauly Shore and Carrot Top.
B) Here you have the chance, to make fun of all the conveniences, technological advancements, and trends of 2010 that were nowhere to be found in 1986 – aside from 2 lines of dialogue this was never done.
C) Everyone loves the idea of time travel; it’s charming and sentimental. Unfortunately those words will NEVER describe this movie. Instead lets try: inane, cockeyed, indecorous, fatuous, salacious, uncouth, licentious, and scatological.

* Not-A-Chance – For the love of Man, do not see this movie.

Rated R (for sexual content, nudity, drugs, language, and strong crude content)

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