Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Larry Crowne

A middle age man is let go from his Wal-Martesque job because he didn't go to college.  In an effort to make sure this never happens again he enrolls in the local community college to change his life.

Tom Hanks co-wrote and directed this movie, as he did with That Thing You Do, which I thoroughly enjoyed.  I can't say the same for Larry Crowne.

The movie is painfully slow and cliche.  Predictability and lack of chemistry are just a few of the short comings.  The odd speech class that he takes is neither profound or endearing, in fact it almost plays off as though it is a high school remedial class.  The quirky side kicks are trying to hard to be likable and the whole thing although wrapped up neatly is completely unsatisfying.

* 1/2  If you want to rent it

Rated PG-13 (for language and sexual content)

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