Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Yes Man

Jim Carrey's character says no to everything, his life is in a rut. He attends a seminar that preaches to say "Yes" to everything, which changes his life and we follow him on the ride.

I also thought this going to be "Liar Liar 2", but it didn't turn out to be the case. It's its own movie and is pretty funny. I'm a big Jim Carrey fan. This isn't his best but it's his best in a while. As Mandy said there's plenty of laugh out loud moments, the story has some heart and the leading lady is charming as well. There is however a totally unnecessary part with an old lady and Jim Carrey having to say yes to her. I agree with Mandy that this movie isn't for kids, it's PG-13 but a few F-bombs are dropped and the old lady stuff is totally out of place.

**1/2 out of 4 - Rentable. Theater worthy if you're a Carrey fan.

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