Saturday, January 3, 2009

Yes Man

Carl Allen's life is going no where. No being the key word here, until he joins a self help program all designed around the word "yes". He must now say "yes" to every opportunity that presents itself.

I went into this movie totally expecting a Liar, Liar remake. Not at all. I mean granted it has Jim Carrey in it so in that aspect they are similar, but this really did have its own story and was very funny. Take note, this is not a film for the whole family. Funny though it was--laugh out loud funny--the humor is way too crude for kids. Which is unfortunate as most people who will assume that it is like the former mentioned Liar, Liar, will be uncomfortably disappointed as it isn't really family friendly.

Still, it will make you laugh.


Rated PG-13 (for language, crude humor, and brief nudity)

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