Saturday, January 3, 2009


A young German officer, loyal to his country finds himself at odds with Hitler. He along with other political leaders head up an underground attempt to assassinate the Fuhrer and start a new Germany.

This was the first film of the day in the marathon and although it wasn't horrid, it wasn't great either. Tom Cruise is mediocre in the role and somewhat distracting. The story, although interesting and supposedly true, completely and totally lacked suspense. Perhaps it is due to the fact that we are all aware that they lose in the end, they don't kill Hitler--sorry if that was a spoiler for any of you.

Still having said that, there are many films that are based on true stories that still manage to create a sense of urgency or suspense when we are still aware of the outcome. This just wasn't one of those.

** Rentable

Rated PG-13 (for violence and language)

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