Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Talk about reluctant hero--Will Smith plays John Hancock a man with inexplicable super powers that could care less. He drinks his life away on the streets of LA and when he does try to do something for the greater good--ends up causing a bigger mess.

Matt's review was right on--this movie wasn't exactly sure if it wanted to be a comedy or an action flick and never really meshes the two together in a coherent way. Nevertheless it has its moments--not enough to run out and see it in the theatre but enough to perhaps add it to your Netflix list. The random albeit predictable turn that the script takes leading us from the world of comedy into drama/action is poorly done and is really where the movie starts to fall flat. However, as expected Jason Bateman is fabulous and makes it worth the watching.

** Rentable

Rated PG-13 (for language and violence)

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