Friday, December 14, 2007

I am Legend

Well this was one movie experience that I will probably never forget. So I head to the midnight showing of I am Legend, IMAX version. The tickets were bought online for the 11:59 showing. I arrived at the theatre at mistake. The theatre was totally packed and I ended up in the handicap seats right in the middle of the front row, just below the railing. Not great, but not all that horrid. So I sit there chit chatting waiting for the movie to begin. When suddenly the guy behind me projectile vomits, yes I said vomit. Spewing vile chunks of popcorn, soda, and just a "little bit" of Jack Daniels all over the railing and onto the floor. Luckily the railing protected me from the acid rain and I escaped relatively unscathed. Unfortunately so did the vomiter. He just stood up and left, leaving the abominable residue cascading all over the seats, floor, and wall....the smell was...pungent to say the least. Now I mention all of this, because as I said before, the theatre is packed and there is really no where else to go. Those sitting next to the PRIME seats, now stewing in acid fled the scene quickly. One girl started crying. After about 10 minutes some poor underpaid employee was sent in to clean it up, he had that special throw-up powder and some delightful spray. Poor kid.

So the movie starts, or the previews do. Now this is an important part as one (of the two) previews was the new Batman Movie: The Dark Night. (Only playing in IMAX theatres). Honestly, this preview alone is worth seeing the movie for, I must say that this Batman looks to be one of the most gritty. It was AWESOME! Yes, I just said awesome.

I am Legend is about a lone man that survived the spread of a man made virus that wiped out the human race. Honestly I don't know that I can say more than that. I don't want to spoil anything. This is a "on the edge of your seat" type movie that was unexpectedly so much fun. Will Smith was great and although I would classify this movie as a horror genre don't be swayed by that. You maybe constantly on edge, but there are thought provoking scenes throughout the movie that are so well done. The CGI is AMAZING, and the cinematography is great. You find yourself thinking, "how did they do this"? This is not a movie that will go down in history, it is another Will Smith flick--but something I would see again--preferably without the vomit.


Rated PG-13 (for violence)


Hillary Corpuz said...

that definatly tops the butt BO family from Star Wars.

Unknown said...

Butt BO? What is that, I've never heard that story. But Mandy's story of her friend Amanda and the guy rubbing her leg throughout a movie makes me cry from laughter every time I hear it.

Amanda Jayne Dibb said...

Oh my gosh! I totally forgot about the Bum BO that was horrid. In fact I think that it was probably worse than the vomit, as the vomit was cleaned up...the stinky bum family from Empire Strikes Back...never left.

Unknown said...

That's revolting. Butt BO can't smell like normal onion BO, I imagine it's more of a "butt" smell. Mandy, we're all amazed you actually stayed after the vomiting.

Hillary Corpuz said...

I am truly amazed that you stayed after the vomit. I would have asked for a different show time.