Monday, June 22, 2015

Inside Out

A little girls emotions are at the helm of her brain and take pride in running a tight and happy ship. When her family moves from Minnesota to San Francisco - Joy and Sadness are displaced leaving, fear, anger and disgust to run the show.

This is a very cute, very creative take on the human psyche.  The characters are all very endearing and sweet.  The story is charming and fun and at 94 minutes is perfectly timed.  There is the slight oddity that Riley's emotions are both male and female while everyone else seems to have single gender - story glitch or current social climate? You be the judge.

Children will find this new and exciting while adults will find it nostalgic and poignant.

Well done Pixar.

***1/2 Must See

Rate PG (not sure why it's not G - scary clown maybe?)

Official Site:

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