Monday, June 22, 2015

Jurassic World

During a preliminary review of a newly developed species at a theme park, the coming attraction breaks free from its' contained habitat and runs amok putting all the guests in peril.

Does this sound familiar? It should, as it is essentially a remake of the first Jurassic Park.  Two children visit a relative that is in charge of the Dinosaur theme park. Due to the greed and inept people at InGen, the park suffers a break down and the dinosaurs wreak havoc on the park visitors.  You get the gist; it's a bit more evolved but fundamentally the same. Just bigger, scarier, and more teeth.

Overall it is the best of all the sequels even if it is a shiny remake.  It pays just enough homage to the original film that you can almost overlook that there are actual scene by scene reproductions - again just slightly more technically enhanced.

For Jurassic Junkies it's a total must see and even for the casual movie goer - it's lots of summer fun.

***Must See

Rated PG-13 (for language and violence)

Official Site:

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