Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Winter's Tale

A thief in early twentieth century New York, trying to outwit his unique employer opts to pull off one last heist before he heads west. While in the middle of his robbery he meets the woman he is trying to steal from and falls head over heels for her. She is dying of consumption and must remain in the cold at all times to keep her fever down and regulate her body temperature. When romance heats up between the two, her orgasm kills her, and he finds himself suddenly struck with a case of amnesia, immortality and a broken heart.

If you are still reading this after that synopsis I am issuing you a demerit. This is the stupidest movie I have seen in years. Deadly orgasms, flying horses, Will Smith is the Devil, oh the humanity!!!

I understand this was a book – has anyone read it? How did it get made into a movie?


Rated PG-13 (for sexual content, language, and violence)

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