Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Puss In Boots

Puss is mistakenly accused of a bank robbery and lives his life as an outlaw.

So this is technically a prequel to the Shrek movies.  Yeah I wasn't so impressed.  First of all, this in no way follows the actual story of Puss in Boots.  This is in fact a convoluted creation using, Jack and Jill, Humpty Dumpty, and Jack and the Bean Stalk.  Which leads to my second point that it completely missed the mark in terms of being clever and creativity.  Had they stuck to the original story it is quite possible that they could have brought in multiple other fairy tales and/or nursery rhymes and still brought it all back to it's Shrek origins.  Third it is way too long, or at least it felt that way.  The movie is actually only 90 minutes but drags so, that it seemed as though it was well over two hours.  And finally, it just isn't funny.

* 1/2 Rentable (if you have children perhaps)

Rated PG (for violence and mild crude humor)

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