Tuesday, November 22, 2011

J. Edgar

J. Edgar Hoover ran the FBI for almost fifty years.  He was one of the most powerful men in Washington and was able to keep his job and country safe by being both ingenious and ruthless.

This was interesting.  It is a historical account of not only Hoover but of the entire functionality and development of the FBI.  Directed by Clint Eastwood it is a slow moving and methodical piece of work.  In fact as it is constantly jumping between flashbacks and flash-forwards, one wonders if it had been told as a linear story would it have held the audience's attention?  I doubt it, as despite the amazing casting, brilliant acting, delightful production design, and again creative editing, I still found myself getting a tad bored and looking at the clock.

Sure to get Oscar buzz, it is an intriguing story but not overwhelmingly engaging.

** 1/2 Rentable

Rated R (for language)

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