Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sex and the City 2

The girls are back and it's two years later. Carrie is married. Charlotte is overwhelmed with motherhood. Miranda quit her job, and Samantha is going through menopause.

Ok so I went into this not really expecting much. I wasn't a fan of the first movie, I thought it was so overly dramatic and didn't have enough of the humor or comedy that the series had. Well this one definitely didn't skimp on the comedy. In fact it was so over the top that it seemed almost slap stick. The dialogue seemed forced. And the delivery was horrible. The whole girl power plot line seemed staged, stupid and a little late in the game.

It was corny and campy and never truly addressed issues that 45-60 year old women face in today's world in a comedic or dramatic manner. It was a huge disappointment but nevertheless I am sure many people were happy to see the four of them back on the big screen again.

* 1/2 Rentable

Rated R (for sexual content and language)

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