Thursday, May 21, 2009

Terminator Salvation

John Conner leads a resistance group against Skynet, the technological monster behind the cyborgs that are determined to eradicate the human race.

Yeah, so what can I say...? I expected more. I remember my dad taking me and my brothers to see Terminator 2: Judgment Day and thinking it was scary, fun, and exciting all wrapped up into one gripping little package. Not that this flick isn't semi-entertaining and full of action, but it is also full of holes. Lots of holes. Things that could have been easily fixed in a more thorough script, it was like they didn't think it through completely. *sigh*. I don't want to spoil anything so I won't go into detail, but suffice it to say the story was a tad lacking. Did I mention the holes?

The deficient character development goes hand in hand with the impoverished plot. Matt touched on this a bit. Christian Bale annoyed me. I thought that he developed that grizzly growl way of talking just for the Batman series...apparently not. Also, as John Conner, he was the most apathetic of characters. Kind of flat and not very engaging. The rest of the cast however, I thought did a great job. In fact I don't know who this Sam Worthington is, but he was much more dynamic as his character, Marcus Wright, not to mention way cute. You are just more vested in watching him than you are John Conner. Pitiful.

Oh and one last thought, it took itself slightly too seriously and didn't defer enough to the originals -- Just my opinion.

Disenchanted but not disgusted.

** 1/2 Rentable

Rated PG-13 (for violence)

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