Friday, May 8, 2009

Star Trek

Director J.J. Abrams (Lost, Cloverfield) gives the original Star Trek crew a reboot and origin stories to to go along with it.  We see where Kirk became Captain and how he teamed up with Spock, Bones, Scotty and the rest of the crew.

There's the "LET SUMMER BEGIN!" I was looking for.  Well done Mr. Abrams.  I'm not a Star Trek fan at all.  Never got into any of the TV shows and the only movie I liked was Star Trek: First Contact.  That said, I loved this movie.  It's loads of fun.  I saw it with a friend who is as "Trekkie" as they come and he thoroughly enjoyed it.  That's part of the fun; it can be enjoyed by either end of the Trekkie spectrum.  I grew up with a Dad and brother that were Star Trek fans, so I knew enough to understand a lot of the homages to the originals, which are very well played.  Each actor chosen to reprise the members of the Enterprise crew does a great job in look and performance.  There's lots of exciting action and fun dialogue.  The special fx are top notch, they did a lot of subtle things to make the effects look very realistic.  The story gets a little too "Trekkie" and jumbled in the middle, with a lot of time travel talk and explanation, but it's a small complaint and doesn't last very long.  Star Trek stepped it up for Summer '09, loads of fun.  Next up, Angels and Demons.  

***1/2 out of 4 - Must See 

(PG-13 for violence, language and some sensuality)

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