Sunday, December 21, 2008

Gran Torino

Clint Eastwood stars and directed this film about Walt Kowalski, a Korean War Veteran that has just buried his wife and is now left alone to deal with the new immigrant neighbors.

This movie has some funny parts and I would assume that the script was really, really well written. Nevertheless--the acting, tst, tst, tst, tst. Acting. What can I say, it was like watching a student film. Clint Eastwood, despite his reoccurring growl, is great as always, but the kids are so bad at their line delivery that it completely takes you out of the movie and frankly made me awkwardly uncomfortable.

The racial slurs that Eastwood spits out at the neighbors and friends for that matter, though droll, start to become overkill and again the acting, or lack thereof begins to be more entertaining than the movie itself as most of the theatre was laughing at how bad it was. Which is so odd for an Eastwood movie! Normally his stuff is what the Oscars are all about--not this time. He needs to fire his casting director. Seriously horrific.

If you are looking for an worthwhile Eastwood film--see Changeling!

** Rentable

Rated R (for language and violence)

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