Monday, September 15, 2008

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Vicky and Cristina are best friends that opt to spend a summer in Barcelona, but for very different reasons. Vicky is a very straight-laced engaged young woman and plans to spend her summer doing research for her thesis and planning her wedding. Cristina is a sexual extrovert and self proclaimed free spirit that plans to spend the summer finding herself. When the girls meet Juan Antonio, a painter, and his insane ex-wife their plans get turned on end.

If you opt to see this movie, go in knowing that it is very very slow paced. In fact slow enough that you can have a conversation with those around you and not miss much of the plot--or whatever it is. This movie is not as complicated or chaotic as it might seem--just odd and random. It is in fact quite predictable, yet the voice of god narrative gives it some comedic moments.

Woody Allen has never been a favorite of mine. He tries too hard for anything to be truly comical and is just quirky enough that you can never take his stuff seriously. Nevertheless, this wasn't that bad. Not that great either, but tolerable.

** Rentable

PG-13 (for lots of sexuality and smoking)


Simper Family said...

Fun a blog you update. I need to get your advice I think before Erik and I rent something. Go UTES!

Your favorite out of friends wives :)

Unknown said...

Well, well well, if it isn't the favorite of my friends wives, just don't tell any of the other wives. Indeed, you two do need my movie advice, never rent without it. GO UTES!