Monday, September 29, 2008

Eagle Eye

Shia LeBouf plays a man who is sucked into a weird game of cat and mouse by random phone calls giving him directions by someone or something that is watching his every move.

This movie is just plain idiotic. The first hour and a half are spent watching LeBouf and the leading lady receive phone calls with a woman's voice on the other end giving them strange instructions and somehow knowing their every move while safely ushering them through police chases, explosions, and police shootouts. After an hour and a half of this monotony, we still don't know who's making the calls, how they can see and control all or where and why the characters are running, and when all of it is finally revealed, I was saying to myself, "Seriously? This is it?" The whole story is so stupidly horrid that as I explained it to my co-workers who haven't seen it and don't intend to, they busted up in laughter, it's that ridiculous. Shia LeBouf is the only bright spot, as he continues to prove he's a great actor and is very likable in a lead roll. This isn't even worth a rental.

Not a chance, *1/2 out of 4
(Rated PG-13 for violence and language)

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