Tuesday, September 2, 2008


A Muslim man born in the Sudan and raised in the US is arrested for dealing weapons to terrorists. While in prison in the Middle East he joins a terrorist group and the FBI begins tracking him down. I can't say much more about the plot as I may ruin something.

Mandy is completely right about the pacing. This is a very intruiging story with lots of great twists and turns, but the movie is so slow. About a third of the way through I caught myself thinking, this is kind of intense...but at the same time, very boring, nothing exciting had happened since the opening scenes. There are lots of interesting delemas brought up that make you think of where loyalties to country, religion and friends lie and which should take presidence. The acting is great, very well done. But as previously stated the pacing is totally off and the movie struggles to keep your interest. PS, I had some psychotic people in front of me at this movie who laughed, really loud and long, after very dramatic parts and after big explosions killed many people. Very weird and troubling.

** out of 4 (rentable)

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