Monday, January 7, 2008

The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep

Early Tuesday morning I jumped out of bed ran into the shower and off I went to the theatre to begin the 2008 Movie Marathon. I got to the theatre only to find I had my choice of parking spots as NO ONE was there. I walked to the box office and presented the cashier with my list. His eyes bugged out and he told me he had seen three movies in one day, but never six. (Funny enough, he randomly was the cashier for everyone else with a schedule and eventually asked, “how may of you are there?”) So with my bundle of tickets in hand I head to the concessions counter, where it was made apparent that I was the only person in the theatre that didn’t work there. I bought a diet coke and headed off to Theatre 16-The Water Horse. 9:00 AM.

Most people have figured out from the previews that this movie is about the Loch Ness Monster. What they may have not expected was the story about the little boy Angus, who discovers the monster. Angus is about 8 years old and growing up in World War II Scotland. He has become somewhat reclusive, waiting daily for his father to return home from the War. Angus accidentally discovers the mystical creature as an egg, but it is the Loch Ness monster that helps Angus come out of his shell.

Although the movie itself is about a mystical or magical creature, the movie is not fanciful or full of hocus pocus. Totally unexpected, it was sweet without being trite or campy. It is fun, has a cute plot that involves more than just the little boys world, but the whole War.

*** Must See

Rated PG (mild violence)


Unknown said...

I've heard good things about this. And it's from the writer of "Babe", which was nominated for best picture.

Hillary Corpuz said...

I love the little boy in this too.