Monday, January 7, 2008


Halfway through, off to Theatre 8 for Atonement. Ok deep breath…this movie is about an upper crust British family and their stupid miscommunications. Cecil (Knightly) is in love with the housekeepers’ son, Robbie. He like Cecil has been educated at Cambridge, but the two are not exactly running around in the same circle of friends. Briony, Cecil’s younger sister also has a crush on Robbie and when hurt that her feelings are not reciprocated accuses Robbie of molesting her young cousin landing him in jail.

Yeah that’s it. That is the premise. This movie was so slow and boring that I was more entertained by counting the number of people that got up and walked out of the theatre…never to return. Why this movie is getting so much notoriety is beyond me. It is neither entertaining nor romantic. It is annoying in its series of miscommunication and aside from one continuous shot on a beach doesn’t deserve all the accolades that it has been given.

* Not-A-Chance

Rated R (for war violence, sexual content, brief bummage)

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