Monday, January 7, 2008

I Am Legend...and awesome.

Awesome movie. Going in I knew little about the movie, besides Will Smith being the last man on Earth and creepy human-like vampire/monsters trying to kill him. This movie will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time. As Mandy said in her review, some scenes in abandoned New York City will make you think, "How did they do that?". Are they CG sets or did they barricade off sections of the city? Like I said, it will keep you on edge. I can honestly say, I jumped the biggest I have jumped in a movie theater for a long time, probably since I saw "Signs". I can't remember the exact scene, but it got me pretty bad for some reason. Will Smith does a great job, and the film has a lot of heart. Most of the movie is just Will Smith and his dog Sam and you never lose interest. You really start to care for Smith and Sam, and a particular scene with the two of them is quite emotional. The ending is a little unexpected and refreshing, especially concidering recent blockbuster movie endings (War of the Worlds comes to mind). I did want a little more explination on exactly how the vampire/monsters came to be but a small complaint. Go see it.

Must See ***1/2

1 comment:

Hillary Corpuz said...

Saw this. You know I was kind of thinking, this all seems familiar.. then I realized that preactically every zombie movie made was either ripped off or paid tribute to them in this movie. (Night of the living dead, 28 days (28 weeks later), After death, Night of terror.)
I sort of thought too that they showed the night stalker people infection things too much, they should have done less of that, sort of felt like I was in a video game. GAME OVER... But I still enjoyed it and it was really tense!