Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

A young boy trying to deal with the death of his father combs the city of New York in search of clues to a random key that he believes his father left behind for him to find.

This was extremely long and incredibly boring! I get that I did not read the book and to those of you that did perhaps you had a different take on this flick, but this was BORING!! Long and boring.

The antagonist is annoying and hard to relate to. You find that the stories around him are more intriguing and yet they never are fleshed out. Sandra Bullock and Tom Hanks who are both great still aren't enough to make this movie interesting.

And this was nominated for Best Picture!?!?! Terrible.

* 1/2 -- If you are having trouble sleeping, perhaps its rentable.

Rated PG-13 (language)

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