Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Week with Marilyn

A young intern ends up on the set of the "The Prince and the Showgirl" starring Sir Laurence Olivier and the one and only Marilyn Monroe.  As production on the film continues, tempers fly and the tension builds due to the starlets peculiar and unprofessional way of working.  The intern seems to be Marilyn's only friend and the one she turns to during the final week of filming.

This is an interesting movie.  The historical elements are fascinating but the drama was a tad boring. To see the difficulty that this bombshell brought to the set of almost every film she was on is amazing. However, Michelle Williams who is beautiful in her own right, is not stunning enough to pull off the sultry and hypnotizing looks of Marilyn Monroe.

Slow and deliberate, interesting and frustrating.

** Rentable

Rated R (for language)

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