Saturday, November 6, 2010

Due Date

A slight control freak is on his way home to be at his wife's side for the birth of their first child.  Upon his arrival at the airport and after a series of mishaps he and an obnoxious stranger are grounded and banned from air travel.  With limited funds, a ticking clock, and each other to deal with the two must join forces to get to LA in time.

So remember Trains, Planes, and Automobiles?  Me too.  This is just a drugged up version.  The characters are less endearing,  more irritating,  and less believable.  Granted there are a few funny laugh out loud moments but not enough to carry the movie through to the end.

I really like Robert Downey, Jr. and he is actually well cast in this but I don't know what it was, it just didn't click.  The story is really slow and the humor drags.  Zach Galfiianakis is really irritating, uncomfortably crude and his character as a whole is totally unsympathetic.

Over all it has a few moments, but not worth it.

** Rentable

Rated R (for language, drugs and sexual content)

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