Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Social Network

Once upon a time... a Harvard undergrad in a fit of fury began blogging and programing a site that was only the beginning of an idea.  An idea that would change the world.

I know it all sounds so dramatic, and the fact of the matter is that his brilliant idea has yet to change my world, but I still humbly acknowledge that for better or worse, Facebook has in fact changed the way people communicate.  Pathetic -- OK so onto the movie.

This whole movie is in fact two depositions that are inter cut with flashbacks telling the story of how it all came to pass.  The dialogue, written by Aaron Sorkin, is very stylized and fun.  Truth be told, it makes the movie as the story itself is a tad sluggish and isn't that engaging.  The casting is amazing.  Truly.  Jesse Eisenberg plays Mark Zukerberg, the face behind facebook and he is so good.  I can't tell you how unlikeable and unsympathetic of a character he is and Eisenberg plays this perfectly.  Oh and lets also give credit to Justin Timberlake who is just as equally sleazy -- well done.

I have to admit that as I am not a facebookee, I may have missed out on some of the excitement that was portrayed in the film when little nuances were added to the site that somehow defined what it is today, but I suppose I still kind of appreciated it.  The movie was long though, and by the time it was over it was somewhat anticlimactic, but I liked it -- still not enough to join Facebook however.

** 1/2 See it

Rated PG-13 (for language and sexual content)

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