Friday, December 11, 2009

New Moon

Edward and Bella continue their love-can't love relationship as Edward decides he must leave her to protect her. While he's away Bella starts to get involved with another Halloween character, Jacob the werewolf.

Alright, so I avoided "The Twilight Saga" until now, having a girlfriend may have influenced me in the viewing of it, as I had no intentions of seeing it before...but I agreed to see it, more out of curisosity to see how any movie could create crazier fans than Star Wars fans...but, congrats Twilight, you did it. I watched the original the night before seeing New Moon, since I hadn't seen it, and actually kind of enjoyed it since my expectations couldn't have been any lower. Despite being extremely over-dramatic and its low production quality, it was bearable. Now on to the movie at hand; the story is ok, the actors are ok, and the millions they made from the first movie improved the production quality this time around. But every aspect of this movie and the first is way too over dramatic. I'm not sure I can remember a fun or comedic scene with the leading man and lady. I'm not sure they even smile in either movie. Their relationships aren't built up at all so it's hard to buy into them or even root for them.

*1/2 out of 4 - Not a chance (PG-13 for violence, sensuality and language.)

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