Monday, December 21, 2009


It is 150 years in the future. A small moon called Pandora contains a valuable mineral that a demanding conglomerate exploits at all costs. They import mercenary marines to help contain the natives while they mine.

OK so take one part Dances with Wolves, one part Fern Gully: The Last Rain Forest, a dash of the Matrix and a pinch of Aliens. Mix well and add a whole lot of special effects and you have Avatar.

If you are a special effects person, and well even if you are not they are spectacular. The world that is created is amazing. The story however, is basic, simple, and although thoroughly developed totally predictable and done. Again if you have seen Dances with Wolves you know all the plot points.

Also take note that the running time is two hours and thirty minutes. I was done after an hour and a half. Predictability aside, the final battle scene goes on and on, while the entire audience is patiently waiting for the ending that was all too eagerly foreshadowed within the first 45 minutes.

** ½ Rentable (but totally worth seeing on the big screen for the f/x)

Rated PG-13 (for language and violence)

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