Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Public Enemies

John Dillinger becomes America's first "Public Enemy Number One" as he and his gang, escape from prison, rob banks, and help J. Edgar Hoover turn his federal police force, into what is known today, as the F.B.I.

This semi-biopic, although somewhat historically inaccurate, gives us a glimpse of how the F.B.I. came to be. Johnny Depp who is always brilliant, is also, aside from the classic cars, the only redeeming thing about this flick. The movie is way too long, and yet still couldn't find time to fully flesh out the storyline.

This is John Dillinger! Public Enemy Number One! Show me why! Historically the man was known to have robbed over two dozen banks. In the movie we see him rob two. This makes him a threat? Also the development of the F.B.I. is slow and uninteresting.

In addition this film seriously lacked the dynamics and camaraderie of something like the "Untouchables" or even "Bonnie and Clyde" for that matter. Again, aside from Depp, you don't care about any of the other characters, or really even know who they are.

On a technical note: the cinematography is a little askew. It jumps in and out of hand held, which is jolting and annoying. Not to mention that the ADR is horrid. The music nevertheless is pretty cool and again the cars may be the best thing on screen.

** Rentable

Rated R (for blood and violence)

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