Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Do you really need a synopsis? I mean most of you have read the books, right? And for those of you that haven’t, you know the gist, he is back at Hogwarts and troubles brewing…

I saw this at the Midnight showing with the over zealous crowd, that screamed like banshees when the New Moon preview popped up, and then again when Potter appeared on screen. They were excited, fine, I get that. However what I don’t get is why when you have a crowded theatre full of the over anxious fans do you opt to turn the air conditioning off? It is JULY! For the love of man, I can’t understand it. The over bearing heat made it difficult to notice that at only two hours and thirty three minutes, this was actually one of the shortest Potter movies.

Nevertheless even in its condensed form, it isn’t exactly brisk. This whole movie is just set up. So if you have read the book you may find it to be horrendously slow. If you haven’t then you should be pleasantly entertained.

*** A Must See for the Devout

Rated PG (violence and language)

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