Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Bolt, the TV super-dog is a pop-culture hero, he however doesn't know that it is all make believe. When filming one of the episodes, Bolt unknowingly escapes from the Hollywood set only to end up in New York City. There he captures a cat and forces her to help him make the trek to locate his owner, Penny. Along the way they enlist the help of Rhino a star-struck hamster that is also unable to tell the difference from TV and reality.

This is actually pretty clever. The hamster absolutely steels the show and the pigeons cracked me up. I can't say that the story is as endearing as any of the Pixar flicks, or any of the characters for that matter. The set up takes way too long, but I suppose is somewhat necessary and the ending is predictable albeit funny in its attempts to make fun of the movie industry in general.

Over all the movie was semi-entertaining. Its not Pixar--but then again can anyone really compete with them?

** 1/2 Rentable

Rated PG (no clue why--it should be G)


Beam Family said...

Leslie is related to the Hamster. They are 1st cousins. Her cousin, Mark Walton, is the voice of the Hamster in the movie. She is very proud!!!!

Amanda Jayne Dibb said...

I heard, Matt went to a screening that he (Mark Walton) was at--very cool.

Unknown said...

It's true! Uncle David introduced me to Mark. He was very nice.

Keepin it real said...

it's the violence ya tosspot!