Sunday, October 19, 2008


Bill Maher sets out across the world to interview people and question them about their faith and why they believe.

Absolutely hilarious. This very funny, albeit one sided documentary, is a critical look at religion. Many people have said that it is totally sacrilegious and demeaning. Perhaps it is my self absorbed arrogance or that I tend to be a tad more cynical than most but I didn't even find this movie offensive.

My criticism of this film is not its content but the way Maher ended it. He spends the entire film humorously mocking the belief's of others only to end it with him on a soap box preaching his own "religion" for the last 10 to 15 minutes of the show. Claiming that he has faith in humanity not in a higher power, which is kind of funny, considering history--this is anything but rational thought. He in fact turns into that which he seems to scorn. It was like he just couldn't help but to jump on the band wagon, kind of ironic. Nevertheless still funny.

I wouldn't recommend this to anyone that can't handle their own religious beliefs being challenged or scrutinized, particularly if you are Christian, Jewish, or Muslim as those are the three main faiths that are questioned throughout the film. Nevertheless if you are secure in your own faith and can deal with the opinions of others I think you will be quite entertained.

*** Must See

Rated R (for language, some violence and brief nudity)

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