Friday, October 10, 2008


Two hired guns, Virgil Cole and Everett Hitch, are employed to clean up the small town of Appaloosa that is being over run by a ruthless rancher, Randall Bragg and his band of outlaws.

This western starts out really strong. Viggo Mortensen and Ed Harris have an amazing dynamic. They are fun to watch and the dialogue seems effortless. The story itself however runs out of steam and falls flat. Renee Zellweger brings little to the story or screen, and is somewhat miscast, not to mention poorly written. Again the pacing is great up until the anti-climactic climax of the story where it fizzles and drags on for about 20 minutes more than necessary.

Take note that the dialogue is worth your time--but probably not your $10. -- Netflix it.

**1/2 Rentable

Rated R (for violence and some language)

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