Friday, December 27, 2019

Little Women

A new screen adaptation of the book Little Women (1868) written by Louisa May Alcott.

This was...OK I suppose. It is edited oddly, starting towards the end of the story when Jo heads off to New York to work as a governess and then told in flashbacks and flash-forwards. I'm sure this style was chosen in an effort to see this remake as fresh or unique, but for those that have never read the book or seen other versions of the story, be it film or on the stage, this leaves us with a confusing if not convoluted storyline.

I took two of my nieces with me - the fourteen year old who has read the book, commented that she didn't like how the story was "mixed up and told backwards." The eleven year old was completely confused and had no clue what was going on and asked questions the entire time trying to clarify the timeline.

Also the casting director seemed to take the term "little" literally, as all of the girls looked to be the same age and their leading "men" appeared as though they were twelve. So yeah, it wasn't that great.

** Rentable

Rated PG (for thematic material) 

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