Friday, April 5, 2019

Captain Marvel

A rookie Kree warrior put to the test when sent to fight the Skrulls on a neighboring planet. Her team is ambushed and in the escape she ends up on a strangely familiar planet...Earth.

Meh. This isn't horrid but it certainly isn't one of Marvels' best movies. In fact the storyline itself is surprisingly predictable and unimaginative. The characters are very one dimensional and our heroine seems to have zero comedic timing, not to mention that her responses to everything seem to be a series of amatory smirks. There is also a pitiful subplot that I think is suppose to bring heart to the character but is so terribly cliche' that no one cares.

Certainly not Wonder Woman. (that's the only thing DC got right)

** Renatable

Rated PG-13 (for language and violence) 

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