Monday, May 21, 2018

Book Club

Four life-long friends gather once a month to catch up and discuss their recent read. When it is Vivians' turn to pick a new book, she attempts to shake things up by selecting, Fifty Shades of Grey.  As the friends read the book they start to examine their own lives and begin making some bold new life choices.

Nothing spectacular here other than the cast. The story is weak, full of holes and drably predictable. That being said, there was something semi-sweet to the whole production. Perhaps it was the 70-80 year old women playing 65 year olds (Mary Steenburgen is the only one that actually is 65)...who knows? Nevertheless it wasn't horrible, it wasn't good either - not uncomfortable enough to be rated NC-50...but it was close.

** Rentable

Rated PG-13 (for language and sexual content) 

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